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8.02 Electricity and Magnetism: TEAL:Studio Physics Project, Fall 2002

Faraday's Law Visualization, Mark Bessette

Faraday's Law Visualization. Mark Bessette, MIT TEAL staff.

Highlights of this Course

A new educational initiative of the Department of Physics at MIT teaches introductory physics in the studio format. The effort is known as the TEAL/Studio Physics Project--with TEAL standing for "Technology Enabled Active Learning." Part of this effort involves the development of media-rich interactive software for simulation and visualization of electromagnetic phenomena. We present here a sampling of some of the visualizations that have been developed in this project. See also additional updates to the TEAL materials, which were made in since this OCW site was published.

This effort is supported by the d'Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in MIT Education, the iCampus Alliance between MIT and Microsoft Research, and the National Science Foundation. The content contained herein can be freely used and redistributed for non-profit educational purposes, as long as an acknowledgement is given to the MIT TEAL/Studio Physics Project for use.

OpenCourseWare presents another version of 8.02: Electricity and Magnetism (Spring 2002) with Professor Walter Lewin, which incudes 36 videotaped lectures.

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Course Description

Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell's equations.

Staff Credits for TEAL Visualizations:

Project Manager: Andrew McKinney

Java 3D Applets: Andrew McKinney, Philip Bailey, Pierre Poignant, Ying Cao, Ralph Rabat, Mikael Rechtsman

3D Illustration/Animation: Mark Bessette

ShockWave Visualizations: Michael Danziger

Visualization Techniques R&D: Andreas Sundquist (DLIC), Mesrob Ohannessian (IDRAW)

Technical Requirements

RealOne™ Player software is required to run the .rm files found on this course site.

RealOne™ is a trademark or a registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc. 



Prof. John Belcher
Dr. Peter Dourmashkin

Course Meeting Times

5 hours / week




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