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ESD.140 Organizational Processes, Spring 2002

Diagram of a social and technical systems framework, indicating value delivered to stakeholders including customers, workforce, shareholders, suppliers and society.
Diagram showing how social and technical systems deliver value to stakeholders, from Lecture 5 of this course: Implementing a Team-Based Work System.  (Courtesy of Tomas Kochan and Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld.)

Highlights of this Course

Introduces students to new organizational forms, and to behavioral science theories and process skills that improve understanding and leadership within such organizations. Students participate in teams, while studying team principles. They also have the opportunity to debate, contrast and integrate their own organizational behavior and beliefs with others. Consistent with the overall perspective of the TPP Program, there is special emphasis on developing a systems view of organizational analysis and public policy.

Course Description

Focuses on the organizations of the future; living in, managing, and leading such organizations, as well as the challenges of today's organizations. Special attention to skills and competencies such as leadership, communications, teamwork, strategic partnership, diagnosis, and process improvement. Examines structures, rewards, career paths, and cross-cultural dynamics, with special attention to the interrelationships among organizations, technology, and policy in a wide range of industry contexts.



Prof. Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
Prof. Thomas Kochan

Course Meeting Times

One session / week
3 hours / session




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