Now showing items 22-24 of 29

    • The strong story hypothesis and the directed perception hypothesis 

      Winston, Patrick Henry (© Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2011-11-03)
      I ask why humans are smarter than other primates, and I hypothesize that an important part of the answer lies in what I call the Strong Story Hypothesis, which holds that story telling and understanding have a central role ...
    • Empirical studies of bottom-up internet governance 

      Sowell, Jesse (© TRPC, 2012-03-31)
      The notion of bottom-up governance in the Internet is not new, but the precise underlying mechanisms have received little primary, empirical study. The majority of Internet governance literature is couched in contrasting ...
    • Mixed context and privacy 

      Sowell, Jesse (© TRPC, 2010-08-15)
      Users engaging online service providers (OSPs) such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook encounter environments architected by a single actor (the OSP), but comprised of content and executable elements potentially provided by ...