Now showing items 1-100 of 42

    chemistry (9)
    spectroscopy (7)
    thermodynamics (7)
    400501 (6)
    400504 (6)
    Chemistry, General (6)
    kinetics (6)
    NMR (6)
    Organic Chemistry (6)
    400502 (5)
    experiment (5)
    infrared spectroscopy (5)
    400503 (4)
    crystal structure determination (4)
    Inorganic Chemistry (4)
    inorganic chemistry (4)
    IR (4)
    laboratory (4)
    perturbation theory (4)
    quantum mechanics (4)
    synthesis (4)
    Analytical Chemistry (3)
    atomic structure (3)
    catalysis (3)
    chemical kinetics (3)
    ferrocene (3)
    gas chromatography (3)
    LCAO (3)
    molecular orbital theory (3)
    molecular spectroscopy (3)
    molecular structure (3)
    nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (3)
    quantum chemistry (3)
    statistical mechanics (3)
    symmetry (3)
    260205 (2)
    3D structure (2)
    400808 (2)
    acetylene (2)
    advance chemical experimentation (2)
    anomalous scattering (2)
    biological chemistry (2)
    character tables (2)
    chemical equilibrium (2)
    chemical equivalence (2)
    chemical shift (2)
    chemistry lab (2)
    chemistry laboratory (2)
    chromatography (2)
    cook (2)
    cooking (2)
    correlation functions (2)
    crystal lattice (2)
    crystal structure (2)
    crystal structure refinement (2)
    crystallography (2)
    data analysis (2)
    data collection (2)
    data reduction (2)
    diffraction (2)
    disorder (2)
    EA (2)
    edible (2)
    electron density maps (2)
    electronic spectroscopy (2)
    elemental analysis (2)
    elementary synthesis (2)
    entropy (2)
    equilibrium (2)
    ESR (2)
    experimental chemistry (2)
    food (2)
    Gibbs function (2)
    group theory (2)
    hydrogen atoms (2)
    IHD (2)
    index of hydrogen deficiency (2)
    inorganic (2)
    intermediate organic chemistry (2)
    introductory quantum mechanics (2)
    J coupling (2)
    kitchen (2)
    lab (2)
    law of thermodynamics (2)
    light-matter interactions (2)
    linear response theory (2)
    liquid chromatography (2)
    macroscopic systems (2)
    magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2)
    mass spectometry (2)
    materials (2)
    mechanism (2)
    merohedral twins (2)
    Molecular Biochemistry (2)
    molecules (2)
    molybdenum (III) xylidine (2)
    MS (2)
    nitrogen scission (2)
    non-equivalence (2)
    non-merohedral twins (2)