
Topic 1: Land Value and Real Estate Development
1 Course intro, Real option model of land value GM* 28 (new students review Ch.7)
2 Land value (cont.) GM* 28 Option theory review (Callagy), Intro Case 1
3 Development financial feasibility GM* 28 finish, GM* 29
4 Development project evaluation GM* 29, R(11) Guest speaker on use of land options (Bill McLaughlin, Avalon Bay)
Topic 2: Portfolio Strategy and Equilibrium Asset Class Valuation
5 Portfolio theory GM* 29 finish, GM* 21 (Review Ch.9) Review (Callagy)
6 Portfolio theory (cont.) GM* 21
7 Portfolio theory (cont.), Begin equilibrium asset class val. GM* 21, GM* 22, R(1), R(8) Unsmoothing (Geltner), Intro Case 2 (Callagy)
8 Equilibrium asset class valuation (cont.) GM* 22
9 Equilibrium asset class valuation (cont.) Alternatively, students encouraged to attend PREA Meeting (NYC) GM* 22; R (2), R(7) Case 1 due (dvlpt case) (course instructor and Guest speaker John Hynes)
10 Follow-up discussion Case 1
11 R.E. periodic returns data issues. GM* 23 and 25 skim Case 2 due (portf case) (Cate Polleys Guest participant)
12 Mid-term Quiz (Chs. 28-29, 21-22 as covered in class) Review for exam, due a day earlier
13 R.E. periodic returns data issues (cont.) GM* 23 and 25 skim;  R(1) Review Midterm Quiz
Topic 3: Real Estate Debt, MBS, REITs, Invstmt Mgt.
14 Bond and mortgage economics GM* 18.1, GM* 19, R(12)
15 Mortgage investments GM* 19, R(9) Case 3 due (Graybar)
16 Morg. Invstmt (cont.) GM* 19
17 Residential MBS, CMBS GM* 20 Sam Davis and Tony Wood (Hancock), Guest speakers
18 CMBS (cont.) GM* 20
19 CMBS (cont.) GM* 20 Review (Callagy)
20 CMBS (cont.), REITs GM* 20, GM* 24, R(4), R(5) Guest speaker (REITs): Doug Linde (Boston Properties)
21 REITs (cont.) GM* 24
22 New York field trip (no class): Optional (recommended) visit CSFB (CMBS), Morg-Stan (REITs) On your own to get to & stay in NYC, Visit sites in Midtown.
23 REITs (cont.) GM* 24
24 REITs (cont.), R.E. Investment Mgt. GM* 24, R(6), GM* 26, GM* 27 Case 4 due (REIT case)
25 R.E. Investment Mgt. (cont.) GM* 27
26 Benchmarking GM* 27 Kevin Fitzpatrick (AIG), guest speaker (Intl R.E. Investmt)
Exam 2 (Cumulative but with emphasis on material since midterm quiz) GM* 18.1, 19-29 (esp GM* 18.1, 19-20, 24, 26-27) Review (& voluntary practice problem set, assigned two days earlier)
* GM # = Geltner-Miller text chapter #, R(#) = Reader packet article #. Note: GM is primary reference.